Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Lessons & Facts

This weak is my catch up weak, so far I have managed to look into three hosting accounts. From this I learned about the different prices, information and databases which was included in each of the hosts. I got allot of compassion this weak, because of the reason stated in the last post, this made me feel happy as now I no I defiantly belong in the group.

The real struggle this weak has bean trying to understand the technical side of web design and that is all the different languages involved, such as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), learning to write in HTML will be very difficult I think I am just at the moment looking into tutorials on Delicious, which is a good site with plenty of answers to questions plus free tutorials. (If you no any more tutorial links please comment) Another software I have learned about this weak, is Adobe Page Maker, the software its self is very useful especially for creating your first layout design on as you can measure it to the nearest mm. (millimetre) It is also used to create other things such as journals and books, simply because of all the rulers and guidelines you have on the software, generally I feel confident with the new software and look forward to using it again.

Another thing this weak which made me feel a little distressed, was hearing about “Jacob Neilson” who is an accessibility “freak” as well as a web designers worst nightmare, he is very big headed, he is correct however, he seams dull and doesn’t seem to like design, however as Steve would say “Content is king” and over 80% of people visit a website for some kind of information not the flashy pictures.

At the end of the day we was taught a lesson by Steve for not using are journals properly which is fair enough, as we was warned by Julian and both Craig’s to treat are journals like a bible, and in actual fact that’s what they are, when you need information you no where to look as it should be somewhere in the journal.

Key Points

Page Maker
Up-To-Date Blog work
Affective time keeping
Referencing and Plagiarism
Web plan