Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Design Week

This week I have been thinking about the last assignment, I’m hoping that I’ve past but if I haven’t I will make sure I pass it next time. This week I have learned a few things about design and how important the target audience is, if you look at cat food and cat treats most if not all have pictures of cats looking happy, this implies to the owners of cats to buy there food, o coarse some go way over the TOP I.E. whiskers, they have cat treats where the actual box is shaped as a cat.

I have also been gathering more design ideas, I have got some scenic pictures which I will be sticking indo the scrap book (when we get it back). Also I have got loads of logos, mainly from farm things like tractors, seen as I work on a farm I have plenty of opportunities to get my own good photos and logo ideas.

Things to do

For the rest of the week I will be reading the new assignment, and printing out preparation work for, this will hopefully help me allot especially if I get referred and have to do two assignments at once, Also I will be getting more logo designs and inspirational pictures.


DREW said...

I like that you are analysing other objects in terms of target audience, its good to practice. I think a good one to do is look at what adverts are shown in the commercials of your favourite TV shows and see what the highest paid people in the business think you are interested in or who is watching.

I think the first project feels so important that you want to make sure you pass first time but I wouldn't worry. Even if you don't pass first time there is a life line, just try to make sure you learn from the mistakes you make (if you make any).

Tom Smith said...

I think it's interesting what you say about the target audience for cat food adverts, and using cats to appeal to the audience.

However, I also think it's interesting that increasingly adverts have absolutely nothing to do with what they are advertising, or who they are advertising to. Think of the recent Cadbury's ad everybody loved so much. Completely random- but one of the successful ads of recent years. Car ads seem to be going this way too.

DREW said...

I see what you are saying with the Cadbury's add but I think when you have a plain bar of chocolate with no particular USP other than its brand name then they have to sell the brand. So I guess what they create with a Gorilla suit and Phil Collins track is a 'Wacky' brand image for people to buy into and be associated with when they are seen buying Cadbury's rather than other brands.

Rebecca Bradley said...

Yes I think its a good idea for collecting things for the sketch book for when we get back, its a good idea that we have lots of ideas to look back at when ever we need it.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hey Everyone

I am trying to drum up some interest in my most recent journal entry.

The focus of this is the third paragraph and Steve's comments regarding it.

I would really appreciate it if people could leave a comment showing how they feel about the situation and any possible solutions.


Thank you for your time and support

Shaun Bellis.

Liam Corfield said...

i feel that with the design in the template of the assignment that i could have done more with it, i also need to do some research into logos, the logo that i did for the shop was mosty made in publisher, i know thats wierd, i need to try to create someing better, ill send you some drafts when i get them done, so i could recive some feedback, if thats no trouble, and vice versa

Webomatic said...

Thanks for the comments, Drew i will look into adverts and such, like Tom said the Caburys advert was so random and yet everyone loves it, maybe this is to apeal to a more adult theme to try get a wider area of target audiance.

Some adverts are just random though, look at the Brava tv advert with the bunny's, i cant understand why they used bunny's but once again everyone liked it.

I think commercialy buisnesses are trying out new things to try get a wide spread target audiance, both young and old.

Mark Torrington said...

Collecting examples of designs that influence you is a great way to gaining inspiration.

Interesting to read everyone’s comments about advertising. I agree that the Gorilla is quite wacky, however believe this advert demonstrated our own primitive senses of smell extremely well. Watch the Gorilla’s nostrils flair in the first few seconds of the advert.

Thomas Wealthy said...

It is good to hear that you have been collecting more design ideas for when you receive your sketch book back and keeping on top of yourself study.

I also am a bit nervous about what grade I will receive tomorrow, I can always hope for the best but, if it is a referral all is not lost and I will make sure it defiantly gets a pass.