Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Check Check Check

This week is mainly one for checking and making sure that all my work is up to scratch. I have been so proud of my self over the last week as I have finished everything a week in advance just like it should be.

However this does not mean I can slack off, I am very aware that even though on the outside it looks as if I have done all the work however simple mistakes can be easily made, so to make sure everything is done this week will be mainly testing and checking to make sure that all my work is complete.

To carry on being happy with my self I will make sure I keep up this high standard of work, I am getting more confident in the way the course is marked which means I should be improving, however there are still some parts of my work which I'm not totally happy with.

One of these is not checking my work properly, this can lead to me missing out on marks in the most easiest way. However this time round I have developed a check-list which will hopefully allow me to fulfil my job correctly and get all the work complete.

The first error I found this week through the check list we did last week and my own is that I did not make my images CMYK, this made me realise that I have not finished my work but rather done a rough sketch of my work.

The hardest thing of last week was which logo to use. However what made me happy is that when I posted this problem on the forum I was quickly given feedback and helped into choosing which logo I should use for the job. This took a lot of pressure off my self and allowed me to carry on work.

The happiest moment of this week was finally getting everything uploaded into Indesign, I had very few problems doing this however I did struggle to make the writing go around the inside of the CD, this of cause meant I had to go on a research mission to find the answer.

Now that most of the work is complete I feel a lot happier with my self however I am constantly checking to make sure that I have done everything correctly.

The next thing on my mind is the evaluation, I am actually finding it very pleasing this time round, mainly because I have placed all my feelings on the blog so I can just look back and find out what I was struggling with and what I was happy with.


Tom Smith said...

You seem to concentrate a lot in this post on the small mistakes, and go on to say that one of your problems is not checking your work properly. You also say 'simple mistakes can be easily made'... I think it's important to remember that simple mistakes can also easily be fixed. Don't get overwhelmed by the constant checking of the work, but be thankful for the time we have to check the work. In a professional setting, this might not be the case.

It's a good idea to do what you have done and create a checklist. This helps structure a methodology to checking, which can really help to ensure nothing is overlooked. This also shows how conscientious you are and the effort you put into your personal development. Good work.

Liam Corfield said...

Hi Martyn, if you are still struggling to make the text go around the, just go into the InDesign help application and type in "Text Paths" this should lead you to a tutorial showing you how to make text go round the outside of a shape.

Webomatic said...

Hey All

Tom: Even though it may seem that I am concentrating on all the problems that there might be that is for a good reason. I want to pass this first time around to do that I need to check, check and check again hence the name of the blog post.
I think checklists are great like you have said they help so much and help you cover all the problems, that’s what I was building up to.

Liam: I am ok now thanks I got it done fine it was actually very easy when I found out how to do it. Just make sure if you do it your self to go to the options and make it descender so that it fit all the text on perfectly.

Thanks, Martyn

Greg Carrick said...

You really seem to be excelling with this assignment and the work you have produced is at a high standard. What better is that you’re pleased with you self and you work in this assignment.

It also took me a while to figure out how to wrap the text around the CD, but when I found out how to do it, I was kicking myself, as there’s a text tool just for that!